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Delivering Skills Businesses Need to Succeed

  • Competitive research

  • Keyword research

  • On-page SEO

  • Optimization

  • Rich Snippets

  • Content writing

  • Content strategy

What People Like You Are Saying

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What I've Learned From Years as a Nashville TN Web Content Marketing Writer

I've been at this for a while now, and I can say one thing for sure. Content marketing is ever-evolving, and it's critical to grow with it to create content that continues to meet marketing goals.

I'm not the same writer I was when I started this journey to turn my passion for writing, marketing, analytics, and customer experience into my full-time career as a professional writer. I've learned a lot along the way. Every certification course I complete, article I write, reviews I receive, good or bad, I continually hone my talent to develop a better product for clients.

Results matter as much as customer focus in content creation. You have marketing goals you must meet for your own performance evaluations. My ability to help you reach your target audience online within your digital marketing strategy to achieve your KPIs is paramount. It's how we measure success.

1. You Need Results-Driven Services

Writing is an art and science, and as a writer, I love the science. Analytics, Testing, SaaS tools, Optimization--I live for them. To be successful in content marketing, you have to know what you want a web post to do for you and work to make that happen.

To that end, for every piece I develop for brands, I:

Get to know your target audience.

Please provide your Buyer Personas or similar outline of who you'd like to reach.

Align with the brand messaging.

I research your brand voice and how you communicate with your audience through digital media to develop content people find when they browse and what to consume as part of your branded experience.

Work within your content strategy.

Please share your objectives and overall content marketing strategy. I may be remote, but I work with your team and content manager to get results just like any part of your group.

Spy on the competition.

I use paid and free online SaaS tools to better understand what the competition is doing so we can do it better. This direct approach to each project helps you get what you pay for. If you have a SaaS tool program or app you'd like me to use for content optimization, I'm also happy to work within that tool's feature to support your goals. Just share the link.

Apply website writing and SEO best practices.

It takes more than talent to deliver a piece that gets results. Free and paid SaaS tools here aid the development of a better finished writing product and web writing services from my Nashville TN office.

Help you meet your KPIs.

Feel free to share the performance details. I love when you let me know how web content is performing. I'll be direct: My goal is always to make you more money than you pay me, otherwise why invest in content, right? I don't have access to your analytics app to see how my content performs.

Don't get me wrong; we writers love when you praise us for a well-written piece. But I also like to see how pieces are performing. I have several offices that do this, and we're dominating in search in part thanks to my on-page SEO skills.

I can't take full credit. Marketing attribution never all falls to one piece of content. But I do know I've been a part of your content marketing development and success when I see a piece hit #1 on Google. Nashville TN singers can't be the only ones "topping the charts".

2. Keep that Customer Experience Focus to Win the Ranking Wars

The search engine optimization movement confused people for some time. I have had clients so focused on scaling the ranks in Google, they forgot they were supposed to be creating website resources people would actually use and enjoy.

They'd tell us to use a keyword 20 times, and sometimes it wasn't even grammatically correct.

But no shame and no regrets. We've all grown since then and put our talents to better use, am I right?

Here's the truth about search marketing. We can do both.

We can create content that search engines understand and people appreciate because it's interesting, helpful, creative, and well-written. It takes some work and perhaps some talent to create quality content that can accomplish both feats.

But the development of this kind of multi-purpose written content is my goal for every project I take on for a client.

Customer experience is the engagement driving today's marketplace. It's true here in Nashville TN, and around the world. It's proven. It works. It's what people want. It's not a passing trend or without scientific support. It's been steadily increasing in importance over the past 20-30 years.

As a writer who always has Google ranking on my mind when I'm creating website content, I know that we only build trust and convert when we deliver a customer experience people want and expect.

People browse until they connect with a brand they see as a partner in achieving their goals.

I'll help you create that customer experience through engaging digital media content that your target audience loves, helping you build trust, establish yourself as a thought leader, convert visitors into leads and lead to loyal customers.

I work to create the win-win you want for your customers and business. This is where strategic execution and artistic vision align to make magic.

3. Align Web Content with the Buyer's Journey

We must reach your target where they are with the right message at the right time, in the right place, whether I'm writing a video script or developing a full certification course program.

Development of this type of content requires understanding how a prospect needs change as they move through the journal and address them.

In healthcare, people first look for symptoms. What does X symptom mean? We obviously can't self-diagnose over the Internet. But we have to focus here on the beginning because this is where the journey starts.

4. How to Hire a Blog Writer for Content Marketing

So I could be a little biased here. But at least I'll admit it.

You could just buy a blog article from a talent. But blog posts alone don't drive traffic or meet marketing goals. No matter their level of skill or talent.

Talent alone doesn't increase revenues. And paying for it becomes an expense rather than an investment. 

​To meet objectives, get content built around the Buyer's Journey, strategically designed to connect with your target customers and maximize your marketing budget ROI.

It's easy to get started. As your content partner, I'll help you transform the way your target audience interacts with your company and brand.

I can help you create a content strategy from scratch of work within your own content marketing, inbound marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO strategies.

Content marketing can't be done in a vacuum. All content must be integrated into a strategic and integrated marketing plan. Your content strategy helps you achieve measurable goals with your content. Without it, you're failing to plan...and you can tell us what that means.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Businesses

How do I tell my writers what I want?

Professional creatives are experts at reading between the lines. A web talent like me has worked for more than one company, often with little direction, because we know how to take on a project, learn about the client, competitors, and target customers.

With that said, this doesn't always result in you getting what you want because if I don't know your strategy, we may have different ideas about how to accomplish the same thing.

The best thing you can do to make sure a professional talent like me understands what you're trying to accomplish with your project is to provide your Buyer Persona, some examples of the kind of digital content you like (on your business site or from another company) and your objective for this post.

If we're going to be working together on a more regular basis, then it will certainly help if you give me some insights into your strategy so I know how my services can best assist you.

How Do I know If a writer knows what they're doing?

Review your candidates. For any writer, you can look at their samples and read reviews others have written when people look for reviews from your industry.

It's also a great idea to find someone with certifications in content marketing or a similar field. This means they have a broader perspective on what they do. They understand why you need things done a certain way and how an article may fit into your business's overall content, social media, or digital marketing strategy.

If you're using HubSpot, are a HubSpot Certified marketer, or just aspire to HubSpot methodology, be sure to look for a HubSpot certified digital marketing writer because we're familiar with how your marketing plan works.

Similarly, ideally, you'll want to work with a healthcare writer if you're in healthcare. They're already familiar with writing to patients and know how to develop the project around them. The same goes for legal, marketing, B2B, Finance, Veterinary, Audiology, Mental Health, Addiction Treatment, or any industry.

How do you measure the performance of a content writer?

It depends on your KPIs for that piece.

Some KPIs are short-term, and some are long-term. Common KPIs for posts include:

  • Social media shares and engagement rate (short-term)

  • Views (short-term)

  • Bounce rate (short-term KPI)

  • Time spent on page (short-term KPI)

  • Conversions (short-term and long-term KPI)

  • Ranking in Google (long-term)

  • Generating search engine traffic (long-term)

You can also measure performance by how well they:

  • Handle the job

  • Hook the reader

  • Focus on the target

  • Follow instructions

  • Manage the project

  • Adapt their writing to your voice

  • Communicate with you

  • Communicate the value of your services

  • Balance the creative side of the job with the analytical

These are obviously more subjective. But they should be considered while you're waiting for more objective business performance measures to come through for you. In the ideal world, content development would deliver instant results.

But that's not usually the case in content marketing.

Is Nashville TN a good place to find writers for my website?

When you think of Nashville, the music industry may come to mind. So many of us are songwriters. But the city is also home to 1000's of professional writers, a thriving healthcare industry, some major publishing companies, and a ton of talent. Yes, I'd say Nashville is a great place to find a writer.


But then again, I am partial.

How do I find a qualified writer for my website project?

You can start here. Check out my writing samples and services. See if you think I have the writing talent, focus, and creative skills to take on the job. Check out the reviews from my clients. I've worked on lots of freelance sites during my writing career, so they're all over the place.

I've provided you with some on the site. It's important to note that in my business, many clients don't want their identities revealed in the review because I'm ghostwriting each post for a content marketing manager, office manager, or author. If you need details, I'll share what I can. Feel free to reach out after you browse my samples and reviews.

What type of job are you looking for?

My primary expertise and focus are in web services like blog posts, video scripts, eBooks, and related media like social media posts, meta descriptions, press releases, and email.

I work with clients across many industries. But to date, I write a lot for B2B, real estate, healthcare, mental health, addictions, audiology, holistic health, and nutrition. I try to work toward my strengths, but I'm happy to speak with you about a web content project for other industries. I always work to develop my skills and test my talent.

© Leigh Clayborne

Nashville, TN


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